Pop Can Corridor

Pop Can Corridor made use of partially recycled crushed aluminum cans that were compressed and bundled into rectilinear forms (25″ x 28″ x 42″) at the recycling plant, to serve as building blocks. Each bale weighed 300 to 400 lbs and contained approximately 250,000 crushed cans. There were 52 bales , 4,500 – 5,000 cans in each bale. These bundles were used to build two curvilinear walls creating a corridor through The DeLeon White Gallery in Toronto Canada. The interior of the corridor was comprised of two walls, one concave, one convex, contrapuntal to each other. The exterior lines created by these walls were reverse to the interior of the wall. As the visitor walked through this passage there was a point at which the viewer may have felt somewhat overwhelmed by the height and proximity of the structure, a sensation that dissipated as the height of the walls recedes back down to ground level. Whereas the exterior spaces provided a different sense of character and atmosphere; the concave exterior space created a niche in which people gathered while the convex exterior space was less intimate.

In colaboration with Badanna Zack, this installation was made from used-up product in the process of being recycled. In this case the bundles in the recycling process made a pit stop at the gallery to play a role in the story of waste management. These cans retained their history. Their graphics reminded us of their origins. Following the exhibition, the bundled material resumed its trajectory through the recycling process in order to once again serve consumers. We coordinated this installation with the help of City of Toronto Solid Waste Management Services.

Pop Can Corridor opened at The DeLeon White Gallery on June 19, 2004. The show ran to July 11, 2004.